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Tuesday 29 September 2015

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu c.528 B.C.

Tuesday 29th September 2015

Hard to believe but it's been almost a year since I last penned a blog entry.  Mostly due to ambivalence and general lack of activity to discuss, I just gave up on keeping the blog going.

I can't promise that I will stick at it but I hope to at least make some effort to record what's going on and also take the opportunity to take the p@£s out of people.

A lot has happened since the 23rd of October 2014 when I last posted to cyberspace.  Too much to really go in to but it can be easily summarised as:
Marathon PB at Dublin, Trail Marathon at Tollymore, Road Marathon at Lusk, First Ultra Marathon at Wicklow Way (Brutal!), Knee injury, Roe Valley Triathlon, Knee injury, Enter Ironman Frankfurt 2016, Maracycle, Lap the Lough and Knee Surgery.

You may have got the gist of the theme of recurring knee injury.

Cutting a long and frustrating story short, I picked up an innocuous knee injury in April and basically have not run since apart from the odd short trot which resulted in a lot of pain.
Knee surgery for a tear on the "lateral meniscus thingy" on 2nd September was the end of the knee problem (hopefully) and the start of getting back to running which I have missed so much.

So, as the Blog title suggests,I am back on the road to recovery as of today.
I threw my leg over the bike and did a very easy spin on the Turbo trainer, just to get the movement back in to the knee and gain a sense of activity back again.

Rarely has a slow spin on a turbo been such a pleasure.

The goal now is to build my recovery to the point where I can start my training programme in November for IM Frankfurt.  That's the big goal for the next 7 weeks or so is to gradually build back in to activity and hopefully shift some of the weight (A LOT) that I piled on over the last few months.

I'm pretty sure that Keara will have mixed feelings about the training building up again as it means I will be out of the house more but I might stop moaning so much about not being able to run.  We'll see.

Anyway, it's good to be getting back to training and blogging again and I feel like I have taken the first step of the Thousands of miles that are ahead of me until I hopefully cross the finish line at Frankfurt again.