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Thursday 20 September 2012

Keep it short and sweet.

Thursday 20th September 2012

2000M (00:47:01)

Toe still sore.
Still can't run.
Swam 2000M instead.
It felt good.
Job done.
Hope it's better tomorrow.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

It's all about the technique.

Wednesday 19th September

00:40:00 / 9.46 Miles / 14.20 MPH / Cadence 93 RPM (Turbo Trainer)

The sore toe hasn't gone away so I wasn't able to swim today or run.  Total Bummer.
So, I decided to dust off the Turbo Trainer and do a little structured session.  It was only 40 minutes but it is designed to give a little bit of a focus on pedalling technique, and it really does force you to concentrate on a nice smooth pedalling technique.

It went well and the pool of sweat below the bike at the end was evidence of a decent wee session.

Here it is:

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Toes crossed.

Tuesday 18th September
01:12:01 / 17.43 Miles / 15.00 MPH / Cadence 85 RPM

I had planned to run in and out of work again today but I have developed a bit of a sore big toe joint and there is no way I could run on it.  Bugger!

So, I decided to get the Kuota out and cycle in to work and then home again this afternoon.

It was also an excuse to christen my new long sleeved cycling jersey from my favourite podcast, IM Talk.  It is a brilliant jersey and kept me warm on what was a chilly morning.

The ride down was great and I didn't get stopped at too many red lights. (Not that I went through them.  I am a responsible cyclist and do actually stop for red lights.)

The homeward stretch gave me a bit of an opportunity to do a wee bit longer and take a different route to add an extra couple of miles and a few more hills.  It felt fine but I was somewhat surprised at the slow average speed but then again I had a backpack on, it was all uphill and in to the wind, so maybe it wasn't too bad really.

I hope my toe gets better as I want to run tomorrow night.  I also plan to do about 2 - 2.5K in the pool at the gym tomorrow.

Fingers Toes Crossed!

Monday 17 September 2012

Heading towards 10,000 hits and a decent swim.

Monday 17th September 2012

1500M (00:33:39)

Before I get on to my swim today, I noticed that the blog has almost reached 10,000 hits.  I am pretty pleased about that and thanks to everyone who continues to check in to the crap that I talk.

Given that the South Armagh Warrior Tri is in 2 weeks time and it involves a fairly long swim at 2.7K, I thought I better get cracking on a bit more swimming.
I knocked out a reasonable 1500M in the pool at the Gym today.

The swim felt very comfortable, apart from a very slight niggle in my neck but nothing to really complain about.  I forgot how boring swimming can be, and even though this was 1500M it started to get a bit boring.

I will have to remember all the tricks I used to keep my mind occupied on the long swims.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Gym Bunny Circuits

Thursday 14th September 2012

Circuits Training – 45 Mins (Felt like a lot longer)

I am not what could ever be considered as a Gym Bunny, however today I took a big step and it wasn’t even in time to some sort of Techno-based Ibiza inspired Pete Tong background gym music.

I went to a Circuits class at the Gym during my Lunchtime.

I was a bit apprehensive as I don’t really like Gyms.  All of the machines that I don’t know how to use, the free weights that I don’t know how to use and the occasional professional Gym body who spends more time gurning in the mirror and checking his false tan and perfectly “scruffy” hair than getting on and doing a real man’s workout, like running 10 miles or swimming or riding a bike.

I may have to take it all back though.

The class was full of pretty ordinary people, in fact I was the only one with an M dot Ironman Tattoo, which I was rather pleased at, and no one seemed to fit the bill of the stereotypical Gym Beast described above.

The instructor was really friendly and even made sure I was OK with all of the “complicated” machines – like the medicine ball and dumbbells!

I have to be honest and say that despite all of my Ironman training that this was the first time in quite a while where I got that jelly like feeling and a real sense of being properly worked over. I don’t even think that this was a particularly hard session either. Worryingly!

I was delighted that the trainer made a point of checking with me, as the new guy, how I was getting on and also complimenting me on my form. (Oh Matron!) 

Shortly after that, my form disappeared in a pool of sweat on the floor and some other poor Bugger had to do some press ups in it.  There’s an incentive to keep your head up.

It is just such a different type of exercise than what I am used to.  Pretty intense with not much in terms of rest time as you progress through and it is clear that for all of my fitness that getting in to this will take a bit of time.

Afterwards I could feel my arms go wobbly as I tried to dry my hair (and yes, Ha Ha it didn’t take too long!) and put on my tie.  It was a bit unpleasant but in other ways it felt good.

The verdict – I think I will go back again.  It is a bit different to what I’m used to and I am sure that it will compliment my other training activities.  One thing is for sure that it will certainly do me more good than harm.

I’m off now to get a bottle of false tan and a gallon of “Just out of Bed” hair gel.  One has got to look the part.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Running from work . . . and to it as well, to be fair.

Tuesday 11th September 2012

7.75 Miles / 01:09:08 / 00:08:55 per Mile
7.75 Miles / 01:11:39 / 00:09:14 per Mile

No. I haven't gone mad and written my running details down twice.
I decided to do some thing a bit different today and run to work this morning . . . and home this evening too.
A grand total of 15.5 miles today. 
This morning there was a definite drop in temperature and it was probably the first morning that felt like we are sadly heading towards Autumn.  It wasn't long before I warmed up on the run in to Belfast.
I have never really run with a backpack on so I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of bouncing or rubbing or chafing.
As it turned out the pack was brilliant and the comfort was matched by the lack of rubbing.
I was delighted by the average pace when I got to Belfast and somewhat surprised as I hadn't bothered to check the time along the way and my pace felt comfortable.

I must admit that at the start of the run home my legs did not feel just as light as they had this morning.  In fact they felt a bit heavy and I was a bit slow to get in to a steady groove.
Even though the backpack had exactly the same stuff in it, it began to feel about 5lbs heavier.  It may have been that the fact that the run home is pretty much all up hill and I'm not used to doing longer miles at the moment.
In all honesty I think it is probably harder to do a 15 mile run split with a days' work in between than just go out and run 15 miles straight out.

From my point of view the good thing was that the run home only took a couple of minutes more than the downhill run this morning. It must have been all of the excitement of my daily work schedule that pushed me through!

Tired legs this evening alright.

I also had the pleasure to attend the opening meeting for Lisburn Triathlon Club tonight.  This is a brand new club and training sessions will begin week after next and I am really looking forward to being a member of the club,  It's always nice to be in on something like this from the start and it will be great to get the chance to get structured training with fellow triathletes.  I hope that it helps me to improve for next season.

Monday 10 September 2012

Swimming for the Warrior.

Monday 10th September 2012


1000M (21.50)
A decent wee swim at lunchtime today. I managed to get the roped off lane in the gym pool so at least I wasn't competing for space with any other swimmers.

I am going to get back in to swimming regularly twice a week now as I have gone and entered a Tri at the end of September and the swim is rather long.  The good news it is a free event which is unexpected but nice.

The colourfully titled "South Armagh Warrior Triathlon" is held at Camlough Lake and Town.
The swim is 2.7K, 50K bike and a 5K mountain run.

It is a funny sort of distance with a swim which is 800M longer than Half Iron distance and only 1K less than the full Iron distance swim.   It will be a good challenge and I will need  to get a few swims of at least 2.5K in before tackling it.
The bike route looks a bit lumpy and the run is basically straight up and down Camlough Mountain.

Should be fun.

So here's to more swimming practise.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Queen's Park Run 5K - A New PB

Saturday 8th September 2012

(3.16 Miles / 00:22:39 / 00:07:11 per mile)

Another bash at the Queens Park Run, this time without Ben running with me.
I had hoped to give it a really good bash and do sub 23 minutes.

I went out hard and found it pretty tough going after a mile but at this stage the filed had sorted itself out pretty well and anyone who was going to pass me pretty much had done.
From here in it was really hard and I had to dig deep.  The good thing was that I started picking people off as I stayed strong even though it was hurting like hell and I pressed strong for the last half mile.

I almost felt ill as I crossed the line and was completely tubed.  It felt strangely good though.

I am pleased with the new PB and hope to maybe drop another minute off this by Christmas.  We'll see how it goes.

Friday 7 September 2012

Sightseeing Run of London

Tuesday 4th September 2012

10.36 Miles / 01:38:21 / 00:09:29 per Mile

Having to spend time away from home on business is never going to be the thing that floats my boat, but this trip wasn’t too bad in so much as it was to London and with the Paralympics on at the moment, there was bound to be a bit of a buzz about the place.
When in London I usually stay by Tower Bridge, which always looks fantastic.

Having failed miserably in trying to get tickets for the Paralympics events scheduled for that night, I thought the best thing to do would be to go for a bit of a run.

When I have run in London in the past, I always kick myself that I didn’t take my camera with me as everywhere I go there are amazing landmarks.

This time I went prepared and wanted to get a bit of a longer run than the usual 4 miles or so.  Partly because I wanted to kill some time rather than just sit in a hotel room but also because I have my eye on a fairly tough Duathlon in October which will require me to have a decent amount of run fitness under my belt.

I mapped out a decent route, mostly based around the Thames Path in Central London and a bit of a loop around by Victoria, The Mall, Westminster and back towards Tower Bridge.

It was a beautiful night for a run and the outward leg along across Tower Bridge and along the South Bank was absolutely brilliant.  Such a vibrant atmosphere and great tourist spots like, The Golden Hind, The Globe Theatre, The London Eye, Parliament and quite a few Paralympians around in their National tracksuits..

Once I got to Vauxhall Bridge I headed up towards Victoria and the back of Buckingham Palace at the Wellington Memorial and then down to The Mall and up past Trafalgar Square and back down past Downing Street to Westminster Palace again.

The last leg was back along the Embankment past St Pauls to Tower Bridge.

About a mile or so from the Hotel I started to run against the flow of runners in fairly decent sized groups coming the other way, many wearing vests with London City Runners on it.  There must have been close on 80 of them all at varying paces but taking advantage of the Embankment and Thames Path for a club run.  It was great to see.

As for my run, I was pleased to have averaged just under 9.30 per mile given that this is the longest run I have done since Ironman and also that it was hot, I kept stopping for photos and it was difficult to get running at a consistent pace due to the sheer volume of people around.

I have to say that I would rate this as perhaps one of my favourite runs and look forward to doing it (or a variant) of it again.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Stena Sprint Tri - 2nd September 2012

Stena Sprint Tri – Race Report

750M Swim - 00:16:55 (90th Overall)
Transition 1 - 00:02:04 (160th Overall)
20K Bike - 00:42:39 (69th Overall)
Transition 2 - 00:01:02 (102nd Overall)
5K Run - 00:20:32 (40th Overall)
Total time - 01:23:10
(30th in Age Group / 75 & 63rd Overall / 181)


Probably my last Tri of the year and I was hopeful of a good showing, despite the lack of training, over-zealous alcohol consumption and general weight putting on over the last 6 weeks or so.
I don’t know what made me think I could perform well but I did think that my running has been strong recently and my recent dipping of the toe back in to the pool had confirmed that I had not forgotten how to swim.

I love the Stena Tri as it was the very first Tri that I competed in and it got me hooked on the sport. It is also a reasonable course with a bike route that isn’t flat and a 2 loop run which has you heading up hill for about ¾ of a mile at the start of each loop but rewards you with a nice downhill run to the finish of each loop.

I had hoped to be sporting my new Trisuit, decked out in the colours of my favourite podcast, IM Talk, which was a 40th Birthday present from Keara. However, when it arrived it was too big – who would have thought that was possible!! So it had to go back and the replacement has not yet arrived. Damn.

On to the race itself.

The Swim
This Tri is done in swim waves and I was in Wave 4 of 6. The faster your predicted time is, the later your wave start.
I love the pool in the Valley Leisure Centre. Like all the pools in Northern Ireland it is 25M, however I think it looks shorter because it is only 6 lanes wide and I am used to swimming in one of the best pools in the country in Lisburn, which is 8 Lanes and looks a lot bigger. Even though it is not.
I got in to my lane with 5 other people and we all lined up ready to go based on our expected finish times. I optimistically said 16 minutes – most others were roughly the same with a couple of 15 minute men.
Once underway it became apparent that most of them had been lying Bas$€*ds. The pace was really sharp right from the start and after about 6 lengths I thought I was starting to fade.
I stuck with it and only got passed on about length 15 for the first time.
I got in to my rhythm and decided to swim at my own pace rather than trying to stick on the heels of obviously faster swimmers. This worked well and as I rounded towards the end at length 28 with only 2 to go the first of the other swimmers was getting out after completing his swim. This was indeed at about 15 minutes, so maybe they hadn’t been lying after all.
I got out of the pool at 16 mins and 15 secs. Pretty happy with that and then a short run to T1.

As usual, not the best part of my day.
I spent more time trying to get stones off my feet and put my socks on than I really should have and this cost me valuable seconds.
Once I finally got myself sorted and off to mount the bike, I found myself incapable of actually getting on to it and clipping my feet in. I was weaving around like a drunken Orangutan and almost fell off as my feet missed the pedals altogether and I slipped off the saddle.
What a tube!!
I eventually got on and headed out on the course. Not my best T1 ever and I really do need to sort this out next season. I was 160th from 181 competitors. Crap!

The Bike
The route takes up hill for about the first 3 or 4 miles. Nothing too steep just a fairly constant and gradual gradient but it makes it a little bit more challenging that heading out on to a nice flat route.
I made good progress but was disappointed to have to stop at a Red Traffic light after only about 2 miles. Then another one about 500M later.
Not that I would go through one anyway, but the race briefing had been very strict about this and the threat of being disqualified really put me off.
At about the 4 mile mark – guess what? Another Red light. Bloody hell this was frustrating.

I was going well and only got passed once the whole way round but managed to pass about 6 other people. Most spectacularly on the mile long descent to T2. This is a pretty steep and fast descent on a good road. I came up behind a Guy who was tucked in to an aero position and freewheeling fast down the hill. I really cranked it and went past him like a shot. I will have to check the Garmin for the actual speed but I am sure it was at least 45mph. It felt really fast and the roundabout at the bottom of the hill came upon me pretty damn quick.

I am really pleased with the bike split time as it took about 2 minutes of my time last year and didn’t feel as hard work. I also made up quite a few places here.

This is always a much better affair than T1 for me and I was in and out pretty quickly this time. Pretty pleasing.

The Run
Everyone talks about how bad your legs feel going to the run from the bike. To be honest in pretty much all of my events this year, including Ironman, I have not had any jelly or lead feeling legs going out on to the run.
I got a bit of it here alright.
The first half mile of the run, which is pretty much all up hill, felt really hard and I imagined that I was making no progress at all.
The reality was that I would complete the first mile in just over 7 ½ mins and the second loop around the course would feel much better.
My dream time of 1Hr20mins had passed so I was just trying to get as fast a time as I could.
I passed about another 8 people before even getting to the final 800M or so where I really pushed hard. It felt really tough and I was starting to hurt like hell but I knew it would all be over soon and there is time to hurt, boke, pass out or do whatever at that point.
I crossed the line absolutely knackered and pleased that I had pushed it pretty well all the way through and happy with an improved time over last year.

The ballsy approach worked and my run time was the 40th fastest of the day from 181 competitors – probably my best relative performance in a run at a Tri to date.

On reflection I probably lost about 1 minute with the traffic lights and another minute through being a dipstick in T1. At least I can work on one of these!
Another enjoyable event and a nice way to round out such a big and important Tri season for me.

Hopefully there will be more running races before the end of the year to enjoy and try to get he benefit out of my improving speed over the shorter distances.

Well done to my friends, Donald, Paul, Stuart, Simon and Joanne who all competed and did really well.

One great thing was that this was the first time the 3 Ironmen have raced at the same event, Me, Donald and Simon. We had to get a commerative photograph of the tattoos to save for posterity. (L-R Donald, Jeff, Simon.) Looking good.