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Tuesday 30 August 2011

Zoned out- and not in a good way.

Tuesday 30th August 2011

1000M - 00:22:47 in 18M pool at Gym.
Given that I have a Tri at the weekend, I thought I better get a bit more swimming in.  A good session and I am happy enough with the way things went - and it was only marred by me ripping my favourite swimming cap - my HI-Elbow Triathlon Club cap from The Lough Neagh Triathlon.  It's a bit sad to have a favourite swimming cap, but hey ho - each to their own! I will need to be more careful in future.  Maybe I just have a huge head.

6.00 Miles - 00:58:14 (9.42 per mile / HR 161bpm Z3 88% Max)
This was meant to be a run at a nice easy pace and to stay within HR Zone2.  Things did not turn out that way.

Although I felt absolutely fine throughout, my heart rate seemed to be much higher than it should have been for the effort being exhereted.  As you can see, the pace was not exactly electric.  At one point I thought the Garmin was going to blow up as my HR went to 112% of max - but strangely I didn't even feel out of breath. WTF??

Possible reasons:
1: I am much more unfit running than I thought as I have not done much running in the last weeks. 
2. The Garmin is buggered.
3. I am having severe Coronary problems that only manifest when I am running slowly.
4. It was just a bad run.

Stumped if I know what the problem was - but I am plumping for number 4 - and really hope it is not number 3!!

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