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Thursday 11 April 2013

Bargains galore and some decent training (and I mean serious bargains!)

Tuesday 9th April 2013

Swimming (750M / 00:15:14)

A very quick swim at lunchtime today.
I just wanted to blast out a 750M time trial to see how my Sprint distance swim time is stacking up.

This was in the 18M pool at the Gym, so I can expect to add about 1 minute on to the time for the larger 25M pool.
Even with the extra minute added on, I am pretty pleased with this.  If I could knock out a 16 minute swim at the Roe Valley Tri in May, I’d be pretty satisfied with that.  In fact I’d be delighted as this would be among my fastest Sprint distance swims.

Actually , thinking about it – I’d take 16:30 to be honest!
Anyway – a decent wee swim.

Cycling (8.67 miles / 00:45:05 / 12.10 mph / 74 rpm / HR Zone 3)

The Tri club spin classes have now stopped for the summer so I made the suggestion of using the session for a bit of hill training.  sadly my idea was accepted and tonight was time to bring on the pain.
We were using the pond Park Road which is where I did all of my hill sessions in training last year.
I was comfortable with the road last year and know that the hill efforts really worked for me then, but I am a lot less fit now and have done bugger all riding this year.
Realistically I though I could do 2 repeats up the hill.  I am delighted to say that I managed 3 and could have done another one.  Not easily but I could have done it.
A bit of progress and a confidence boost.

Thursday 11th April 2013

Running ( 9.00 Miles / 01:27:29 / 00:09:44 per mile / HR Zone 2)

A thoroughly horrible night for a run and I must admit to having second thoughts about heading out. "I could leave it tonight and just do it tomorrow night when it might be nicer."
I zipped up my man suit and decided to stop being a pussy and went out.

Now, I picked up what could be the absolute bargain of the century today and was dying to try it out.  Let me explain....
I use a Garmin 310XT watch and the soft strap Heart Rate monitor with it.  I have been plagued with problems reading incorrectly for Heart Rate.  Reading too high usually.  indicating Heart Rates that a rabbit on heat would be proud of and unlikely that an man of 40 could ever hope to achieve.
So - I had read that the old style Garmin Heart Rate strap, which is a bit more old style plastic strap is more accurate.

This is where the bargain comes in.
At lunchtime today I went for a wander and decided to pop in to a charity shop to look at the books.  Lo and behold there on the shelf was a Garmin Heart Rate monitor.  The old style one I want.

Imagine this being in a charity shop, and it was basically brand new.
Price on T'internet shop Wiggle is £40.
Charity Shop price . . . . . £3.99!!!!!!

Fantastic.  I was happier than a North Korean Dictator who just discovered that Team America is not real!

(The other bargain which is just as remarkable was a North Face Puffer Gilet for £5.  I joke ye not!)

So anyway - the HR monitor worked a treat on the run tonight.  The run went really well - felt nice and steady and I felt in good shape.

In answer to my dilemma earlier this week about doing a long run or not this weekend - I have decided not to do another long run ahead of London.  I have no real benefit to be gained from it.  I will not gain a lot of fitness doing this just one week out from the event if anything it would be a bit of a confidence booster but that's about it.

The 3rd bargain of the day came courtesy of a Facebook chat with my mate Aaron from the Tri club.  He innocently shared a link to a cycling shop on line and the next thing you know I have bought an aero helmet!!

I had been thinking of one for a while and wanted to pick up a bargain.  This was it. £99 reduced to £29.99.  Love it.


A day of bargains and a decent run.  not too bad.

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