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Monday 8 April 2013

Choices choices!

Sunday 7th April 2013

Not a bad week from a training point of view.

Not exactly volume (or quality) heavy this week but I’m not too fussed about that at the moment. “Objective London” is looming in to view and without wanting to completely jinx myself, it looks like I might be able to get to the start line.  Getting to the finishing line might be a different matter but I’m ever optimistic.

Over the course of the calendar week I managed to get in an 18 mile run, a 9 mile run and then another 18 miler.

The best news out of this was that the injuries are holding up OK and I am carefully managing them in order to not push too hard and really focus on doing the minimum that I hope can get me through.
Now that I’m two weeks out from the big day I am really in a bit of a dilemma as to what approach is best to take in terms of tapering.

From my long runs it is really clear to me that I am about 3 weeks behind where I would like to be and my fitness just proves this point.

I can feel myself getting a bit stronger on each long run.  Fatigue sets in a bit slower and a bit further in to the run each time.  Last week it was around 14 miles.  This week it was around 16 miles when the legs turned to stone and started to tire.

The good thing is that I’m doing OK on the aerobic front, although that’s hardly surprising when the pace is about 10.10 per mile.  It’s never going to be that taxing that I’m out of breath.
Muscle fatigue is my biggest problem at the moment and the only real cure for that is repetition and a decent base of long runs.

So, the question is whether another long run this weekend, 8 days ahead of the marathon, will be of benefit to me to help on the day and build the muscle fitness a bit more – or will it be detrimental and make me tired and risk injury ahead of the main event.

It’s a tough call to make and I genuinely don’t know the answer or the right course of action.  I’m confused.

I am going to play it by ear this week and make the decision towards the weekend.

If I recover well from the run last weekend and feel decent enough on my mid week run this week, I might think that it’s looking good for a long run on Saturday.  Alternatively if I feel heavy legged and sore or the niggles are coming back, I will definitely hold off and just make the call that I have done all that I can.

I’m really looking forward to he weekend away in London with Keara and the kids and am hopeful that the weather will eventually start to warm up a bit.  The London Marathon is traditionally quite warm and I do hope for a nice warm weekend.  Not necessarily too warn on the morning of the run, but nice enough for spectators and runners alike.

I’ve already got one eye past London and am looking forward to the start of the Tri season, which for me will be on 18th May at the Roe Valley Triathlon.

After London I need to focus heavily on the bike and really get some decent miles in ahead of the Tri season and hope that the legs will be OK post London for running.

I’m looking forward to getting going and racing as part of the club.

An interesting week ahead!

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