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Wednesday 30 November 2011

When is a Brick not a Brick?

Wednesday 30th November 2011
(Non) Brick Session

00:30:00 -10.49 Miles (21.0mph / HR 130bpm Z2 72% of Max HR / Cadence 89rpm) - Turbo Trainer

Another very good session on the Turbo trainer which was a good excuse to catch up on Season 4 of 24 again!
this was a bit later at night for training than I would normally do as I took the Pup to her first training class this evening.  I'm not sure who was actually being trained - her or me!  It was great fun and she did really well.

This was meant to be a Brick session but I had to can the run as the pain is back in my right foot - the same one that I had a couple of weeks ago.  I probably could have forced a run, but I am gradually getting a bit of sense to take it easy when I need to.  Although I hope to tag it on to the end of tomorrow's spin session and make that in to a Brick.  Dead sensible eh?

I ordered the trial saddle I had been using and it arrived today. 

I seriously cannot recommend highly enough the saddle and the suppliers. The ISM Adamo Road - supplied by http://www.trybikestore.co.uk/

 Let's hope the pain in my foot goes away; because the pain in my arse has with the help of the new saddle.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sorry we're closed!!

Tuesday 29th November 2011

3000M - 01:20:44 in 18M pool at Gym

Warm up 300M (WU 300)
8 X 50 M Drills (Kick only / Swim fist / Doggy Paddle / Arms only) (8X50 Drill)
4 X 125M with 20 secs rest between intervals (4X125@20secs)
4 X 175M with 30 secs rest between intervals (4X175@30secs)
8 X 50 M Drills
200M cool down (100M CD)

Total 3000M
This was another big step up in distance in the swimming this week.
I am delighted at how it went and I didn't feel too tires doing it.
The only annoying thing was that I went to the pool early to get the session in before work - only to be told that it was closed!!! Nightmare.
Therefore I was at my desk at 6.50AM this morning.  Luckily it opened up again and I took a bit of extra time at lunch and got it done then

01:00:00 - 6.40 Miles (00:09:22) per mile / HR 151bpm Z2 83% Max)

A lovely cold night for a run - but got well wrapped up and enjoyed my run.

A pretty good day overall today.

Monday 28 November 2011


Monday 28th November 2011
That Was The Week That Was

Week 6 completed
Hours Trained: 6H 32Mins
Swimming: 2.55K (1.58 Miles)
Cycling: 56.55 Miles
Running: 14.41 Miles

Week 6 - it is hard to believe that I have been at this for 6 weeks now and it still feels pretty fresh so far.  Although I did have my first bit of motivational laziness this week and skipped the Thursday night swim in order to have a glass of wine or two!  It felt good though.

This week sees another step up in swimming distance and intensity - longest swim is 3K!!

The week ahead looks like this.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Soda and Eggs

Sunday 27th November 2011

01:48:42 -28.63 Miles (15.8mph / HR 143bpm Z2 79% of Max HR / Cadence 83rpm)

It was pretty windy this morning when I headed out the road for my ride. The first 15 miles or so seemed to be pretty much straight in to the wind, and the tight country roads just seemed to funnel it straight in to me.

At 1Hr in I was pleased to see that I had covered just about 15 miles, so I was pretty chuffed with the average speed given the windy conditions.

It was a gorgeous morning once again and I have been thinking how lucky I have been for my Sunday rides so far - long may the good conditions continue.

The remaining 13 miles went rally well and my average speed picked up  a bit and I had a few fantastic miles along the Moira Road tucked in to the aero position and it was so noticeable how comfortable the  ISM saddle is and it allows me to get well forward on the saddle and get more power down and stay aero for longer.  I am going to buy one.

We all then went out for Brunch to The Other Place on the Lisburn Road.  Toasted Soda and poached eggs - FANTASTIC!! http://www.theotherplacebelfast.com/

Then a walk along the tow path with the Pup.  A great Sunday had by all.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Keep 'er lit

Wednesday 23rd November 2011

01:00:00 - 1.71 Miles (00:09:08 per mile / HR 152bpm Z2 84% Max)

Pretty windy and wet conditions this afternoon for my run.  It went very well nonetheless.  Pace slowed a bit coming back up the big hill in to the wind and rain - but it never really dropped off horrendously - I just Kep' er lit and put the head down.

Glad it went well as I skipped a swim session on Thursday night out of sheer laziness so I wanted this to be a good session and it was.

Thursday 24 November 2011

The Drugs work. (Ibuprofen that is!)

Thursday 24th November 2011

00:45:00 -17.11 Miles (22.8mph / HR 128bpm Z2 71% of Max HR / Cadence 102rpm) – Spin session 100+ rpm

I was dubious as to whether this was a good idea or not as I woke up about 5 in the morning with a really sore foot.  It felt as thought the long muscle / tendon under the arch of my foot was going to burst out of my foot.  It was really sore and
I have no idea what happened to cause it.

Anyway after a couple of Ibuprofen I was able to get the session in - and it went better than I could have hoped for.


Wednesday 23 November 2011

Much Happier.

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
Brick Session

00:30:00 -10.81 Miles (21.6mph / HR 128bpm Z2 71% of Max HR / Cadence 87rpm) - Turbo Trainer

A fantastic session on the bike on the Turbo trainer.  I was delighted with the average speed - over 20mph which is good for me and especially as the HR stayed well within zone.  Loved it.

00:15:00 - 1.71 Miles (00:08:46 per mile / HR 151bpm Z2 83% Max)

A great bike session backed up with an even better run.  Speed was excellent and I felt great at ease throughout the run and HR was very good.

Overall a nice little session.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Walkies! Swimmies and Runnies!

Tuesday 22nd November 2011

2550M - 01:14:04 in 18M pool at Gym

Warm up 300M (WU 200)
8 X 50 M Drills (Kick only / Swim fist / Doggy Paddle / Arms only) (8X50 Drill)
10 X 75M with 20 secs rest between intervals (10X75@20secs)
10 X 50M with 15 secs rest between intervals (10X50@15secs)
8 X 50 M Drills
200M cool down (100M CD)
Total 2550M
This was a fairly significant step up in distance in the swimming this week.  Previous weeks have been around 1600M per session and this really steps it up now to an average of about 2500M per session.
It all went very well and I did it a little bit faster then expected.

01:00:00 - 6.13 Miles (00:09:47) per mile / HR 150bpm Z2 82% Max)

Enjoyed this run tonight.  It was crispy cold and it took a while to warm up - the good thing was that the last 3 miles were a good bit faster then the first 3 miles.  Average pace was nearly a minute per mile faster.

Took the new Pup for a walk / drag this evening.  She is getting used to walking on the lead by the road and is not really liking it but is getting better.  Patience and perseverance.  A bit like Ironman training!!

TWTWTW IMFF Week 5 (100th Blog Post)

Monday 21st November 2011

That Was The Week That Was

Week 5 completed
Hours Trained: 6H 59Mins
Swimming: 3.2K (2 Miles)
Cycling: 51.35 Miles
Running: 14.79 Miles

Week 5 and a much better week than last week in terms of being injury free and quality of the sessions done for the week.

The foot injury went away and I only had a very minor twinge in it at the start of the week.

No new injuries to report this week thankfully.

I am really pleased that I got all my sessions in this week as it was a bit disjointed with being in London for work and then Donegal over the weekend.  But a bit of jiggery pokery, a will to get it done and a very patient wife and family made it possible.

This was my week with greatest time spent so far and it actually felt OK.  Next week takes another bit of a step up – mostly in the swimming, which has been 2 sessions of 1600M each which is pretty straightforward, but now I am going up to approx 2500m per session.  This is further than I have ever swum before – so it will be new ground and also a challenge in getting the time organised to do it.

I seem to have found a bit of working solution to the Heart Rate monitor problem which was destroying me mentally.  I now soak it in hot water before putting it on to go out.  Hot water because I am a wimp and cold water would be a bit too shocking when I out it on. Oh Oh Oh Cold!

The good news about the runs this week in particular was that HR was under control and pace was up – I hope this trend continues.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Night Rider

Sunday 20th November 2011

01:53:00 -27.70 Miles (14.70mph / HR 136bpm Z2 75% of Max HR / Cadence 81rpm) 

Got out for a 2 loop ride when we came home from Donegal this afternoon.  Had to get the lights on and reflective gear as it was a bit dark to start and then very dark pretty quickly.

The loop was mainly around main roads which was good for lighting but not good for traffic lights and junctions - hence the slower average speed.  I am delighted with the HR management on this ride.

The new trial saddle ISM Adamo Road) still feels very comfortable, especially in the aero position.(Not that I got too much of a chance for it along the Lisburn and Malone Roads)
I think I may purchase one once the 2 week free trial is over.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Absolutely Beachin'

Saturday 19th November 2011

01:06:52 - Miles (00:09:33 per mile / HR 150bpm Z2 83% Max)

What a fabulous morning for a run in Donegal.  We are up for the weekend and the weather this morning was fantastic for running.  Slightly overcast but with no wind and really mild.

A lovely run out towards Horn Head and then back across Killahoey Beach.

I soaked the HR Monitor in hot water before going out and it seemed to solve the erratic readings I had been getting for a while.  It may not be the solution but it works for now.

Delighted with my run and the average pace and HR were excellent.

Followed it up with our Pup Darcy's first walk.  We took her across the beach at Marbelhill and she loved it.  She is asleep now and knackered.  Good stuff.

Friday 18 November 2011

The Swimming Dead

Friday 18th November 2011

1600M - 00:43:22 in 25M pool at Lisburn Leisureplex

64 lengths today for 1600M straight through.
Felt good swimming apart from the bloomin' Zombies in the pool.  If it wasn't so frustrating it would be funny.
The strokes on show are pretty hilarious and the swimming up and down the same part of the lane leads to some funny passing manoeuvres.
It did slow me down quite a bit though. 
I think I will try to avoid the early morning swims at the Leisureplex.

Thursday 17 November 2011

No Meat and No Veg on this saddle.

Thursday 17th November 2011

00:45:00 -15.90 Miles (21.2mph / HR 129bpm Z2 71% of Max HR / Cadence 101rpm) – Spin session 100+ rpm

A longer spin session tonight which was also a trial on a new test saddle.
The saddle is a ISM Adamo Road.  It looks really weird but the technology is good and it is a lot more comfortable in the aero position on the the tender bits. It is shorter than normal saddles by about 2 inches and forces you to sit in a more comfortable position without the fleshy bits getting battered by the end of the saddle.  NICE!  I will be giving it a good try out over the next couple of weeks.

I have to say that the people at Trybikes.co.uk were amazing in getting the trial model to me in 2 days and with no charge for it either.  Amazing service. http://www.trybikestore.co.uk/

I am really pleased with this session - excellent average cadence, speed and HR.

A Specialized Hotel

Wednesday 16th November 2011
Brick Session

00:30:00 -7.75 Miles (16.5mph / HR 138bpm Z3 76% of Max HR / Cadence 85rpm) - Turbo Trainer

Session in the Gym at the Marylebone Hotel in London - very nice hotel and Gym.


Even better was that the gym had a lovely road bike (Specialized Allez) set up on a top of the range Tacx Turbo trainer.  This meant I was ableto get all of my usual data and still ride on a propoer bike.  Loved the session and pleased with how it went.

00:15:00 - 1.72 Miles (00:08:43 per mile / HR 150bpm Z2 83% Max)

A good run on the treadmill.  went well and well within HR zone too - makes a pleasant change.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Someone call an Ambulance! Oh wait it's OK.

Tuesday 15th November 2011

1600M - 00:45:52 in 18M pool at Gym

Warm up 200M (WU 200)
8 X 50 M Drills (Kick only / Swim fist / Doggy Paddle / Arms only)
2 X 250M with 30 secs rest between intervals (4X125@30secs)
8 X 50 M Drills
100M cool down (100M CD)
Total 1600M

Swim was good today - felt very comfortable and easily paced.  Quite enjoyed it today.

01:00:00 - 6.07 Miles (00:09:53 per mile / HR 184bpm Z4 102% Max)

Balls Balls Balls!  The HR monitor is definitely the source of my problem.  The readings are total crap and I resorted to measuring my HR the old fashioned way by feeling my pulse and counting.  It came out at an average of 82.5% which is exactly where it should be.  Just as well because if it had been a real reading - at times I would have needed to Coronary Ambulance - it was off the scale.
I need to get a new battery and try this as wearing it on my back clearly did not work.
Apart from the annoying HRM - it was a nice run and pace felt very easy.

Monday 14 November 2011


Monday 14th November 2011
That Was The Week That Was

Week 4 completed
Hours Trained: 4H187Mins
Swimming: 1.6K (1 Mile)
Cycling: 39.25 Miles
Running: 5.59 Miles

Week 4 and a little bit of a setback against the planned sessions.
The foot injury basically cost me a  run session and the closed pool meant that I missed out on a swim session also.
This was frustrating but I suppose in the bigger picture it is not a big issue and I am back to being injury free - for the time being anyway.
Hopefully I will be able to do all planned sessions this week and get back on track again.
I was reading about the problem I am having with my spiking Heart Rates and it may be down to the HR monitor itself.
Some tips for solving include:
1. Wet the sensors before exercise
2. Wet your T-shirt before exercise
3. Wear the sensor on your back
4. Smear the sensors with honey
Some of these sound a bit like a fetish - so I think I will stick to trying it on my back and see if that works.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Back on the right foot. Literally.

Sunday 13th November 2011

01:30:04 -23.59 Miles (15.7mph / HR 146bpm Z2 81% of Max HR / Cadence 82rpm) 

Managed to get out late this afternoon after Ben's Rugby. They were playing St Mary's who came up from Dublin.  Harlequins played really well in both  matches and Ben got 4 tries.  The whole team played so well.  It was great to see.

My injured foot felt OK this afternoon so I decided to give the bike a go and hope it went OK.
Thankfully no lingering soreness in the foot and I managed to knock out a good ride on the same route I did a few weeks ago, even doing it a bit faster than that time despite a fairly stiff headwind on the way home.  HR was excellent too.

It was a real confidence booster to get back on the road and not be out for too long with the injury.  Let's hope it stays like that.

Physio or Proctologist? - Physio please!!

Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November 2011.

Woe is me

Injured and it is a pain in the arse.  That's not the injury by the way, it is my foot.  Thank God.  Can you imagine a sprained Arse?  You wouldn't want anyone doing physio on that sucker!!

My foot has developed a great deal of pain on the outside, and in the morning I can't even get any weight on it at all.  It eases off through the day and Ibuprofen seems to help.

Plan is to rest if for a day or 2 and leave out the running and associated impact and pick up on cycling to make sure it is not getting getting too battered.

It is hugely frustrating to miss the first sessions of my training plan for IMFF because of injury, but I assume this will not be the last instance of this.  If all I miss is 1 swim and a 1HR run then that is not too bad.  We shall see.

On another note Ben did his AQE (same sort of thing as old 11+ plus exam) on Saturday morning.  It seemed to go OK for him thankfully and he only has 2 more to do over then ext few weeks then that is him finished with it. I  hope he does OK because he has worked really hard for it and deserves to do well.

Swimming in soup. I'd rather not, Thank You.

Thursday 10th November 2011

00:32:46 -8.01 Miles (14.7mph / HR 133bpm Z2 73% of Max HR / Cadence 81rpm) – Cycle to Work
Nice ride down to work this morning - lovely pleasant morning and nicely paced and HR good too.
Just as well I was out for dinner with folks from work and not cycling home as I got another puncture.
There must be something wrong with my wheel which is causing the punctures - I seriously think that is about 4 punctures in 6 rides on the Bianchi.  Nightmare.
Pool at Gym was closed as it was cloudy and needed more Chlorine or chemicals!! Yeuchh.  Quite glad it wasn't open if that was the case. I will need to make up this session at some stage.

Not funny any more.

Wednesday 9th November 2011

Brick Session

00:30:00 -7.65 Miles (15.3mph / HR 155bpm Z3 86% of Max HR / Cadence 95rpm) - Turbo Trainer

Spin session that disn't quite work out as Hr was out of zone and cadence down a bit on plan of 100 rpm.

00:15:00 - 1.44 Miles (00:10:25 per mile / HR 166bpm Z4 92% Max)

YET ANOTHER frustrating run well outside HR zone and too slow.  Beyond a joke now.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Answers on a Postcard please

Tuesday 8th November 2011

1600M - 00:45:44 in 18M pool at Gym

Warm up 200M (WU 200)
8 X 50 M Drills (Kick only / Swim fist / Doggy Paddle / Arms only) (8X50 Drill)
4 X 125M with 20 secs rest between intervals (4X125@20secs)
8 X 50 M Drills
100M cool down (100M CD)
Total 1600M

Swim felt really good today.  I changed things around a bit on the Leg Kick drill.  I had read about doing this drill on your back as it makes breathing easier but still gets the effect on the legs.  It worked really well - the legs got a good workout and the breathing was easy.
overall a good session today and a good steady average pace.

00:45:00 - 4.15 Miles (00:10:51) per mile / HR 157bpm Z3 87% Max)

I am starting to get pretty annoyed and frustrated with slow running with a high heart rate.  It is Flippin' annoying! I am a bit baffled now as to why it is normal and all good some times and other times it will not come under control.
Any ideas from anyone - PLEASE??

Monday 7 November 2011


Monday 7th November 2011

That Was The Week That Was

Week 3 completed
Hours Trained: 5H57Mins
Swimming: 3.2K (2 Miles)
Cycling: 40.59 Miles
Running: 12.19 Miles

Week 3 and all sessions completed as planned.

Things are going OK so far, even if it can be a bit frustrating some times when I want to go a little bit faster or further than the plan prescribes – but I have to trust in the plan.

The only niggle is a slightly sore back today which I am putting down to the bike ride yesterday.

Here is the week ahead

Sunday 6 November 2011

Dog Day Morning

01:31:49 - 23.83  Miles (15.6mph / HR 144bpm Z2 80% of Max HR / Cadence 82rpm)

A really lovely morning for a ride this morning - totally clear and a bit crispy and I saw my first bit of frost this morning.
I had a new route chosen and thoroughly enjoyed it - spin out to Ballinderry Lower, then Glenavy to Stoneyford and back in to Lisburn.

A few little undulations along the way and a few nice straights to push along in the aero position.

I had an interesting encounter with a Dog who decided to ambush me from his Garden and then run along just in front of the bike for about 400Metres.  He wasn't trying to bite me or anything but I was worried about clipping him and coming off and he was moving pretty quick too.  Quite impressive.

Very enjoyable today.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Foggin Nice.

Saturday 5th November 2011
01:005:00 - Miles (00:10:11 per mile / HR 168bpm Z4 93% Max)

Went for an early run this morning. It was a gorgeous crisp foggy morning and perfect for running.

I really enjoyed it and 1Hr is the longest run I have had for a few weeks and it was nice to be out for a slightly longer time again.

The run itself was a bit of a disappointment.  Despite feeling great and taking a nice easy pace of just over 10 min per mile - the HR did not come down to decent levels.

I am not all that worried though as it could have been down to any number of things - the cold - the wine last night - no breakfast before the run or any other 100 excuses.  The main thing is that it was a glorious morning and I enjoyed being out for 1hr early.

Friday 4 November 2011

Bearded saddle - that'll be it.

00:30:00 - 8.68  Miles (17.3mph / HR 195bpm Z4 108% of Max HR / Cadence 102rpm) - Turbo Trainer

A Spin session that didn't quite work out as planned.  Heart rate just stayed really elevated the whole way through and wouldn't come down - even though I felt very comfortable.

It could have been down to the new saddle which I was lent by the Cyclezone in Lisburn to try out, or it could be the growing beard that is slowing me down! (My god I look bald too)

Thursday 3 November 2011

Was it something I said?

Thursday 1st November 2011

1600M - 00:40:57 in 25M pool at Lisburn Leisureplex
64 lengths today for 1600M.  It was nice to just have a straight swim and not worry about having any tiresome Drills to do.

The swim felt fine, apart from the people in the lane with me who both thought it was OK to swim up and down the same side of the lane – instead of up one side and down the other.  This meant that at one point I was swimming towards both of them meeting me in the opposite direction taking up the whole of the lane.

I did have a few words with them in a very polite way and asked them to go up and down opposite sides.

The result of this chat was for the lady to start swimming the right way round and the man to get out and leave.  Obviously it WAS something I said.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Macho Moustache

Wednesday 2nd November 2011
Brick Session
00:30:00 -8.08 Miles (16.1mph / HR 144bpm Z2 80% of Max HR / Cadence 83rpm) - Turbo Trainer

First part of the Brick session was a rather un-enjoyable session on the turbo.  I just didn't feel comfortable and able to get in to a nice rhythm.  Speed was pretty poor for the level of HR.

00:15:00 - 1.65 Miles (00:09:05 per mile / HR 146bpm Z2 81% Max)

After the disappointing bike session, the Run went really well.  the speed was well up and Hr in a nice zone - this felt great.  Even though it was cold, Dark and windy - but lovely to be out running in it!  I love it!

On a separate note I am now on Day 2 of not shaving.  I am trying to do Movember and grow a Moustache. Below is a picture of the look I am going for - (Giant mobile phone optional).

I don't know if I will follow through with it or will the stubble drive me mad and I will have to shave.  We will see and I will keep you posted on progress or lack of!

The extra hair may affect my aerodynamic and hydrodynamic prowess and every second counts for me.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Move over Fatso!

Tuesday 1st November 2011

1600M - 00:45:13 in 18M pool at Gym

Warm up 200M (WU 200)
8 X 50 M Drills (Kick only / Swim fist / Doggy Paddle / Arms only) (8X50 Drill)
5 X 100M with 20 secs rest between intervals (5X100@20secs)
8 X 50 M Drills
100M cool down (100M CD)
Total 1600M
Early swim before work.  Pool was cold again!!
For some reason my breathing pattern felt a bit odd today and I seemed to take on more water than usual.  That would explain the more frequent wee-ing at work today! Possibly?
On the whole this was a bit quicker than last week - so there must be some improvement - even if it doesn't feel like it.

00:45:00 - 4.65 Miles (00:09:41) per mile / HR 147bpm Z2 81% Max)

I am delighted with this run tonight for a number of reasons. The pace was quicker and still well within HR zone and I didn't struggle for very long to get HR down once I started running.  I did some press ups before going out- hoping it would raise my HR a bit and make it less likely to spike as soon as I started running and it worked.  A good tip for me to remember.

Now a moan!

While running along a long straight stretch of pavement I saw 2 ladies walking towards me taking up the whole of the pavement. I dutifully moved over to the left side, assuming they would do the same.
No movement!
As I got closer to about 50 metres - No movement.
10 Metres - No movement!!!
0 Metres - I am on the road and the Big Arsed Cow is still taking up the whole pavement leaving me to hope a car doesn't clip me!

What a stupid Cow - she saw me and just ignored me.  I hate this sort of selfish inconsiderate behaviour.  How hard is it to move over and let someone pass - especially if they are coming towards you wearing reflective clothing too!  Rant Over!!