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Wednesday 2 November 2011

Macho Moustache

Wednesday 2nd November 2011
Brick Session
00:30:00 -8.08 Miles (16.1mph / HR 144bpm Z2 80% of Max HR / Cadence 83rpm) - Turbo Trainer

First part of the Brick session was a rather un-enjoyable session on the turbo.  I just didn't feel comfortable and able to get in to a nice rhythm.  Speed was pretty poor for the level of HR.

00:15:00 - 1.65 Miles (00:09:05 per mile / HR 146bpm Z2 81% Max)

After the disappointing bike session, the Run went really well.  the speed was well up and Hr in a nice zone - this felt great.  Even though it was cold, Dark and windy - but lovely to be out running in it!  I love it!

On a separate note I am now on Day 2 of not shaving.  I am trying to do Movember and grow a Moustache. Below is a picture of the look I am going for - (Giant mobile phone optional).

I don't know if I will follow through with it or will the stubble drive me mad and I will have to shave.  We will see and I will keep you posted on progress or lack of!

The extra hair may affect my aerodynamic and hydrodynamic prowess and every second counts for me.

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